Programs & Schedule
New Expanded Hours & Safety Protocols
As parents, we know families are feeling stressed out and stretched thin. That's why we developed protcols based on the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), and The American Academy of Pediatrics. We also instituted an option for expanded hours. Our new policies are designed to keep kids, families and teachers safe, while accommodating a full-day schedule.
More flexibility for your family!

Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
Early Drop Off 8:00am-8:30am
Late Pick-Up 3:00-4:00pm
$5 for 30 minutes early
$10/hr extra for 3:00-4:00pm
The Tots' Program
The Tots’ program accepts children who turn 3 years of age by December 31st of the year they start, until they go to Kindergarten. We help children with the developmental tasks of separating from home, sharing, taking turns and respecting others. Learning occurs through activities that involve as many of the five senses as possible, from banging on instruments to building with blocks and playing with sand. We also begin developing number and letter recognition through thoughtful play-based activities.
Lessons also focus on kindergarten preparedness with writing the letters A-Z (capital and lowercase), writing the numbers 1-10, the calendar (names of days and months), perception and developing observation skills, understanding opposites, sequence comprehension (patterns and relationships), character education (positive values and attitude development), and health (body awareness).
Students must be potty trained!
Tots’ offers a hands-on curriculum that gets the kids excited to learn – giving them the foundation to be lifelong learners.
At Tots', our Students Learn:
Strong Social Skills
Language Skills
Building Blocks for Literacy
Creativity of Discovery
Daily Schedule
The school year runs from September to end of June.

A Fun-Filled Day at Tots':
8:00-8:15: Early Drop Off - $5 extra per day, per morning. Feel free to decide day-to-day.
8:30-8:45: AM Drop Off
​9:00-9:30: Open play where the children are free to utilize any toys, art supplies, books, etc. that they would like. Our teachers interact with the children but allow them to guide the play.
9:30-9:45: Clean up.
​9:45-10:00: Snack, please pack snack and water for your child. No nuts please.
​10:00-10:15: Book look and then bathroom break.
​10:15-10:40: Circle time, during which we enjoy show & tell, discuss the week's theme, letter and calendar, followed by learning songs.
​10:40-11:00: Art class
​11:00-11:30: Outside play or indoor gross motor activities.
​11:30: AM Pick Up
​11:30-12:00: Lunch - $5 extra for optional lunch bunch 11:30-12:00pm for 1/2 day students, children bring their own lunch.
​12:00-12:15: Book look and then bathroom break.
​12:15-1:00: Free Play
​1:00-1:15: Clean Up
​1:15-1:45: Circle time with pre-k learning activities.
​1:45-2:15: Art Class
​2:15-2:30: Snack Break
​2:30-3:00: Outside play or indoor gross motor activities.
​2:45-3:00: PM Pick Up
3:00-4:00: Late Pick Up - $10 for the extra hour 3:00-4:00pm or $5 for extra 30 minutes 3:00-3:30pm
*Children bring their own snacks and lunches, dye & allergy restrictions. Please do not send any products containing peanuts. We will provide a full list of student allergies at the start of the school year.
**June classes are held outdoors, camp-style (weather permitting).